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Toronto, Canada
A lover of all things cinema, these are my thoughts on films through the years.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

You've got the write stuff...

"Ink on paper is as beautiful to me as flowers on the mountains; God composes, why shouldn't we?" ~Audra Foveo-Alba

Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to be an author. In my highschool graduating class I was voted "Most likely to write a bestseller" quite the accolade, I know. I was able to write 86 pages about Nazi Germany and propaganda, and yet I have great difficulty in deciding what I want to write about. I want it to be a novel, however, the prospect of this is somewhat dreary.

They say write what you know - can I manage an entire novel about Celtic? Yes, probably, but would anyone outside of my immediate family enjoy it? I have a rough idea for characters but I don't know. I want memorable ones, lasting ones. I want my heroine to be in league with the greats whether it be Jo March from Little Women, or Lucy Sullivan from the queen of Chick-lit, Marion Keyes. And I want women (or men depending on what tickles your fancy) to fall for my leading man like they do for Mr. Darcy. I want it to be funny and romantic etc etc.

I even googled how to write a novel for ideas and the most prominent tip is that your idea will happen when you least expect it. And so, with that in mind I have put down the notebook and pen and am waiting for an idea to hit me over the head. To take my mind off of my conundrum, I am watching Batman & Robin on the Space channel. As usual, when watching a movie, I feel a desparate need to imdb each film to learn as much as I can about it. (I imagine it will be useful in a round of Trivial Pursuit of Jeopardy in the future). Random fact learned from my imdb-ing - in the Batman series, Robin's real name was/is Dick Grayson, while Batgirl's name was/is Barbara Wilson. I am a big fan of Mr. Bale as Batman, but George Clooney isn't too bad to look at.


mickermoodles said...

dear mulrine, you make my heart sing. I cant wait for this bestseller... I feel as though I'll need to get an autographed copy so once i have memorized the book, i'll sell it on ebay and we can be millionaires. hehe :) see you very soon... what is your preference of cake. Chocolate or white or some weirdo flavor :)?

pickle♥ said...

Laura.. I still remember the night you killed with the movies in Kaitlyns room.. now I know how you did so well.. I enjoy imdb also :)