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Toronto, Canada
A lover of all things cinema, these are my thoughts on films through the years.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It was my party and I almost cried because I wanted to....

“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.” - George Harrison

This will be a very short blog about my birthday (and the shortness is in no way a relection on the wonderful time I had). I left for Nova Scotia on Friday Aug. 8th, well that's when I was supposed to leave. However, since I hadn't slept the night before, I fell asleep the moment I got on the plane, woke up 45 minutes later, and we still hadn't left the runway. Apparently there was something wrong with the brakes so we had to get off the plane and board a new one. I wouldn't of minded but my lovely friends Mick and Scott were already at Halifax airport, but since as I've mentioned that they are lovely, they waited around until 2:00am and we got a hotel room in Dartmouth.

The next day - which was my 22nd birthday, started off with a road trip back to the Nish for one last farewell. We stopped at Swiss Chalet (mouth watering at the thought of that chicken) for a birthday lunch. When we got to Mick and Scott's place, Mick gave me a wonderful birthday present. It was a book of photos of St.FX that she'd taken. I seriously show it to everyone so they can understand why I loved that school so much (however, upon taking a tour of my new uni, it might rival X in terms of architecture). And finally, the piece de la resistance was the birthday cake. I have never seen a cake like this in real life. It's the kind of cake you would see in a movie that looks so delicious and yet they blow out the candles and never actually eat it.

If I could see your faces at this moment in time, I know jealousy would be written right across them.

We met up with Drew and Syl for dinner at BP the next night, and then had lunch with them again and BREANNE!!! Throw a few Star Wars movies into the mix, and it was easily one of the best birthdays I've ever had. I was worried as this was my first birthday away from home (yes I'm a big baby), but my friends made it incredible.

I was sad to leave the Nish again, and as usual, tears were a must for the occasion. However, this adventure in the Nish laid rest to my fears of my friends moving on without me. I know they will grow and change, and I won't be there to see it all, but our bond and relationship will never change.

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